Hourly and flat rates charged by the SENEX Private investigator agency

Hourly billing

90 VTA excl / hour
  • Hourly billing for any field survey
  • Details of the intervention conditions:
  • Minimum 4-hours vacation indivisible
  • Premium rate between 9pm and 7am
  • Premium rate Sunday and public holidays
  • Kilometers charge: € 1 / km
  • Travel between the place of the mission and the agency charged
  • Drafting of the investigation report invoiced in addition

Flat rate

600 excl VTA - rate from
  • Flat rate billing for office surveys:
  • Search of domiciliation (natural or legal person)
  • Search for bank domiciliation
  • Real estate search
  • Solvency Investigation
  • Employer search
  • CV Verification
  • Search for international items

An estimate for each survey

quote Consult the agency
  • Each survey is subject to a quote
  • Evaluation of the legitimacy of the mission
  • In-depth interview
  • Communication of a quote
  • Signature of a mandate contract
  • Achievement of the mission
  • Regular maintenance with the client
  • Delivery of the investigation report to the council
  • Follow-up of the judicial proceedings


In accordance with the law and the code of ethics of detectives, a private investigator can only carry out legal and legitimate tasks. Also, all the requests which do not respect these two imperatives are systematically refused.

If these prerequisites are met, a first telephone consultation is conducted to understand and deepen the issues in the file. The legal context is clarified and the blocking points are mentioned.

Depending on the complexity of the file, this consultation may lead to a physical meeting in the office or a meeting with the client’s counsel. At the end of this consultation, a strategy and the means necessary to deploy are specified to the customer with a price indication.

Quotation and contract

After a first tariff indication, the agency draws up a written estimate specifying the means deployed for the needs of the mission, its foreseeable duration and its objectives.

The hourly rate charged by the agency is 90 euros, the administrative searches are generally invoiced to the fixed price, from 600 euros.

Once the client’s agreement has been received, the client gives the agency all the documents necessary for drawing up a mandate contract. It specifies in particular the object and the legitimacy of the mission entrusted as well as the means implemented for its realization and the obligation of means of the private detective. A deposit of 50% must be paid to start any mission. In an emergency, all these steps can be done during the day.

Achievement of the mission

After communication of the documents, signature of the contract of mandate, payment then receipt of the first deposit, the agency starts the mission entrusted. All the means of the agency are implemented for its good realization.

For information purposes and for the sake of efficiency, the client is regularly informed of the progress of the investigations. In case of arbitration, its participation becomes even essential.

In the context of long and complex business, the agency appreciates being associated with the meetings with all the actors of the file and in particular the advices of the customer. This approach facilitates exchanges and allows greater efficiency.

Delivery of the investigation report

Once the investigations are completed, the steps taken are transcribed in an investigation report which is given to the client’s counsel. This one wants to be precise, detailed and circumstantial in order to bring in an objective way the reality of the reported facts. Often, photographs and ancillary documents are included in the investigation report.

It respects the principle of fairness in the provision of evidence and the privacy of those targeted so that, if the case is brought to court, the courts receive it favorably. Investigative reports of private detectives are admissible in any jurisdiction since a decision of principle of the Court of Cassation of 1962.

Managing the project

Upon submission of the investigation report, the file must be settled in accordance with the terms of the contract. Possible additional investigations may be timely and the agency’s resources will be deployed in priority. Subsequently, the agency appreciates being kept informed of the evolution of the file.

This makes it possible to evaluate the relevance of the work carried out and to complement it with any information that proves to be necessary.

Reimbursement of fees

In the context of a legal procedure, it is possible to solicit the payment of the investigation costs by the other party on the principle of equity. Different articles are provided according to the proceedings instituted (Article 700 of the Code of Civil Procedure, Article L761-1 of the Code of Administrative Justice, Articles 475-1 and 375 of the Code of Criminal Procedure) and the amount awarded remains at free judgment of the judge.

The client’s lawyer will attach the agency invoice in support of the request.