The website https://detective-prive-paris.fr/en/ is published by the company:
SIREN 4 5 0 4 2 3 3 3 0
It uses the commercial sign SENEX Private Investigator.
Publication director
The publication director of the website is the CEO of the publishing company.
Head office
The publisher is headquartered at the following address: 3 rue de Téhéran 75008 PARIS. This office has the authorization to practice n ° AUT- 0 75 – 2 1 20 -11 – 15 – 20 21 0 7 9 4 4 3 4.
Website hosting
The https://detective-prive-paris.fr/en/ website is hosted by:
SAS au capital de 10 069 020 €
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 2620Z
N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.
Directeur de la publication : Octave KLABA
Président : Henryk KLABA
Directeur général : Laurent ALLARD
Directeur général délégué : Octave KLABA
Directeur général délégué : Halina KLABA
Directeur général délégué : Miroslaw KLABA
Executive approval, professional card
The manager of the publishing company is authorized to practice the profession of private investigator and to run a private investigation company by approval of the CNAPS – National Council for Private Security Activities – n ° AGD – 0 75 – 2 026 – 0 5 – 28 – 20 21 0 5 3 8 2 5 6 (formerly prefectural authorization No. 769 issued by the Prefecture of Police of Paris).
He is also holder of the professional card n ° CAR – 0 75 – 20 2 7- 12 -16- 20 22 0 5 3 8 2 5 6.
The publisher is authorized to carry on the activity of private research agent by authorization of the CNAPS – National Council for Private Security Activities for its principal establishment and its secondary establishment.
The CNAPS is the body responsible for issuing licenses and approvals to the leaders of private investigation companies.
He is also responsible for the control of the private detective profession.
All employees of the agency are approved by the CNAPS and hold a license to practice.
Finally, as specified by article L612-14 of the CSI:
“The authorization to exercise does not confer any prerogative of public power on the company or the persons who benefit from it. It does not engage in any way the responsibility of the public authorities, in particular CNAPS.”
Professional liability insurance RCP
In accordance with the texts of the CSI internal security code which regulate the profession of private detective, the publisher has taken out professional liability insurance with a notoriously solvent insurance company.
Intellectual property
Unless otherwise indicated, all the writings on this website are original creations and are therefore protected by copyright. Any reproduction, even partial, of some of these texts constitutes a crime of counterfeiting.
It is possible to reproduce certain articles with the double condition of explicitly mentioning the source of the quoted text (SENEX Private detective) and to link to the original website (https://detective-prive-paris.fr/en/).
Hypertext links
The hypertext links on this website do not engage in any way the responsibility of the publisher. Generally, they allow to illustrate or enrich information of this site.
The user could not engage the responsibility of the publisher for any reason whatsoever and especially if the landing page was to be modified, hacked or offer illegal or immoral content.