SENEX Private Investigator can help you combat any espionage attempt thanks to its eavesdropping detection and spy microphone and camera search services. Protecting sensitive data For companies, knowledge is an intangible asset that must be protected. Information leakage and espionage are a reality to be taken into account, particularly for innovative companies and market leaders….

SENEX Private Investigator has solid experience in the fight against counterfeiting, and puts all its resources at the service of its customers. Definition of counterfeiting Sometimes misused, the legal term counterfeiting refers to the act of reproducing or falsifying a trademark, patent, design, work of art or any other type of intellectual property protected by…

Although the senex Private Investigation Agency is not a debt collection agency, it nonetheless works very regularly with creditors and their lawyers to help recover large amounts of money. The senex agency is asked, initially, for the search of debtor and then, for a second time, for the search for assets through its solvency investigations….

The gathering of evidence is fundamental in matters of unfair competition and the intervention of the private investigator makes perfect sense. The SENEX agency, which has developed recognized know-how in the field, invites you to expose yourself to the major challenges of competitive disloyalty and the added value of the investigator. Legal definition of unfair…

In order to remove some doubts, here are some examples of unfair competition. Indeed, the agency SENEX Private Detective is often contacted by entrepreneurs to find out if the maneuvers they are subjected to are acts of unfair competition. We hope that these examples will give them a first opinion. An exhaustive list of examples…

The agency SENEX Private Detective carries out investigations aimed at companies, big or small. These investigations are carried out with the greatest respect for the French legislative framework and the resulting investigation reports can be used in court if necessary. The main areas of expertise of the agency SENEX Detective can be broken down into…

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3, rue de Téhéran PARIS 8 - AUT- 0 75 – 2 1 20 -11 – 15 – 20 21 0 7 9 4 4 3 4
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